Monday, May 30, 2016

No Name Adventure

Summer in Utah has been treating us well. So far, so good. For Memorial Day we adventured out to Cecret Lake--or at least we tried to. We spent about an hour winding up a mountain, through a ski resort, to a glacial reservoir, only to find that the road was blocked and we couldn't make it to our destination. So, instead of our intended target, we pulled off on the side of the road and just hiked some random little foot trails. We ended up stumbling to a place where several rock climbers were gathered and it was honestly so beautiful. I believe Kyle's words were "nature's play ground." Just rocks and rocks and boulders and mountainous hills--of course all hidden and inter-grown with trees and other types of vegetation. Our pictures don't really do it justice....but, pictures rarely do. We decided that just random exploring was much more fun than hiking a well beaten path to a crowded location. Exploring wins! 

The river rapids we happened upon--freezing. Why did we wear bathing suits again? 

I spy with my little eye--Kyle!

So, this picture really skews the size of this rock...indent? Gorge? Anyway, it was probably about 50 ft from the ground to the top, even though it only look like one more of my body lengths high. I scaled about ten feet up before I couldn't go further. 

Does this give better perspective to the size? Kyle made it about 2 feet up before his shoulders no longer fit. 

I wish this was a full scale picture that encompassed where we were standing and how high up we were, etc. We scaled up from rocks and landed ourselves atop a ginormous boulder overlooking this portion of the canyon. I guess the lovely view the picture captures will have to do.

Thanks, Utah. 

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