Weight: 18 lbs (15th percentile)
Height: 29 inches (51th percentile)
Diaper: Size 3
Clothes:6-9 months, 9 months
Developmental Milestones:
-stands on all of the things
-pulls himself to standing
-goes from sitting to hands and knees and back to sitting
-realized he could roll over in his crib
-^stomach sleeps now, occasionally
-scoots all around, army crawl style
-has taken a few balanced, unassisted steps
-can bring himself from laying down to sitting up
-walks around with assistance from his walker toy
-went from three naps to two
-gives kisses!
-started to squint his eyes, scrunch his nose and stick out his tongue when he smiles
-mimics our vocal patterns
-continued improvement feeding himself
-excited, crazy face and noise
-smiles at everyone, much more social this month
-likes to show off (but on his own terms)
-loves to play in the closet and in the bathroom
-enjoys picking at all types of carpet, fuzziness, cloth and fur (with one finger only, of course)
-likes dad's baseball hats
-continues to wiggle his life away
-wants mama all the day long
-eating any and everything
-any type of meat
-puffs and dehydrated yogurt drops
-stuffed animals
-playing with shoes
-squeaky toys (thinks they are hilarious)
-any mounted wall picture
-animal noises
-the binky
-his fuzzy blankie
-plain pasta noodles and hummus
-being alone
-falling down
-feeling forced to do something (will refuse if pressured)
-hats being put on his head
-being laid down to have his diaper or clothes changed right after you pick him up from a nap
-when you leave the room while he's watching
-missing his morning nap
-first, very lame, pumpkin patch experience
-first Halloween!
-first time watching Dad in a college basketball game*
-first "owie" (rug burn on his forehead after falling down)
I have tried to write down just all the things I can about Ezra each month, but I can't ever seem to get it all down. He is SO FUN AND SO CUTE. I just want everyone to spend a whole day with him so they can get the full measure of his personality. A very favorite thing about him is that when he gets excited, it is like his body can't contain it. He shrugs his shoulders up and extends his arms straight. He clenches his fists as tight as he can. Then, he cocks his little head to the side and holds his breath while making the cutest, funniest "crazy face" and exhaling this snort noise. He started doing it when he would eat solids a couple months back, but this month it has leaked over into other activities as well. Apparently, there is just so much more to get excited about at 9 months of life than there was previously.
Auntie Mel and Uncle Braxton's wedding!
Ezra dropped a nap this month, but it has been a great transition, actually! He had been napping three times a day for an hour-hour and a half each nap. Now, he naps from about 10-12/1 in the morning and then another shorter nap at about 3. Having a two or three hour chunk of time has been great for both of us. He is happier and I am able to get more done with school.
Kyle and I moved our bed out into the dining room, as an official "resting place" (ha) for us. Ezra sleeps SO MUCH BETTER when we aren't in the room with him. Since our apartment only has one bedroom, the dining room it is! He is still waking up once a night to nurse, but goes back to sleep immediately. Right now his schedule is: bedtime 630-7pm, sleep until 3/4am, nurse, back to sleep until around 7-730 ish. Then nursing and morning cuddles in the bed of course. I'LL TAKE IT!! Plus, if I'm being honest, most mornings also involve me going back to the bedroom and sleeping for another hour on the recliner while Kyle feeds Ezra breakfast. What a good husband I have.
Cruel experience has taught me that this nice groove we've found will change in about 2 days, but i'll take it while I can :)
Trying to fein pumpkin patch enjoyment at a very disappointing pumpkin patch
Mike Wazowski, Halloween 2017
The blind strings, the best toy
The season opener this year was in the Carrier Dome against Syracuse. I couldn't have asked for a better "first college game" experience for Ezra. The Carrier Dome!? SWEET. He seriously l-o-v-e-d it. The game started AT bedtime, and is an hour and a half away from home, so I was worried that the travel and start time would lead to one grouchy baby. But, I couldn't have been more wrong. He slept in the car on the way down, like an angel. He braved the frigid cold walk to the stadium, like an angel. He sat wide eyed at all the lights, sounds and people, like an angel. He was happy and observant, like an angel. He gave grandma Meri kisses, like an angel. He nursed amidst all the distractions, like an angel. He flirted with cheerleaders and coaxed them to hand over their pom-poms, like an angel. Then he fell asleep in the carrier on the frigid walk back to the car, slept the whole way home, and went back down in his crib no problem, LIKE AN ANGEL. I couldn't have asked for a more well behaved baby. It was such a great first experience!!
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